Epiphone Les Paul Classic

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About Epiphone Les Paul Classic

The Les Paul is without a doubt one of the most famous and recognisable guitars to have ever been created. For many it is an iconic image that represents the very essence of guitar music. The Epiphone Les Paul Classic takes the iconic aesthetic of a late 1950s Les Paul and creates a guitar that can still deliver the goods in a modern world.

It is no wonder that that Les Paul is still a first choice for many of the world's best and most popular guitarists. Not only is the body shape comfortable to play but it is instantly recognisable. The Classic takes that seminal design and offers some upgrades in order to provide the player with an enhanced playing experience in both practical terms and enjoyment wise too.

A pair of open coil zebra humbuckers provide that big and iconic tone which has long been the sound of rock, blues, jazz and metal. The range of sounds available is one of the features that allowed the Les Paul to excel and made it into a guitar that attracted a wide range of players.

Why Should I Choose Epiphone Les Paul Classic?

  • It is a timeless look that will outlast any craze
  • Epiphone guitars are made to a very high standard by their craftspeople
  • They are incredibly versatile models that can be used across a wide range of styles

Frequently Asked Questions about Epiphone Les Paul Classic

Question: How does it compare to a 1950s Les Paul?
An authentic Les Paul from this era may be the holy grail for many but unless you have an unlimited budget it may not be a realistic option. For a fraction of the price of you can have a guitar that authentically captures the classic vibe but also does not suffer from any problems that can come with a vintage age guitar.
Question: Can I play metal on this guitar?
While it may be associated more with rock or blues, you can still play metal on it. It is a versatile instrument that offers a lot of sustain and resonance, making it a large sounding instrument that can definitely do some big palm muting and fast riffing.
Question: Is this good enough to play live with?
Absolutely. It is a guitar full of great features that delivers incredibly satisfying tones. It is also very durable and will happily withstand tour after tour.