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Vibramate String Spoiler Stainless Steel
Get it Wednesday, Apr 2
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Vibramate V7-LP Mounting Kit for Les Paul
Get it Wednesday, Apr 2
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Vibramate V7-335 Arch Top Mounting Kit - G-Series 8.5 inch (213mm)
Get it Wednesday, Apr 2
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Vibramate V5 Original Kit
Get it Wednesday, Apr 2
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Vibramate V5 Short Tail Kit For SG
Get it Wednesday, Apr 2
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Vibramate V5-JAM for Jazzmaster and Jaguar
Get it Wednesday, Apr 2
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Vibramate V5-TEV Stage II for Vintage Telecaster
Get it Wednesday, Apr 2
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Vibramate V5 Original Gold
Get it Wednesday, Apr 2
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About Vibramate
Vibramate music products deliver a range of accessories and solutions for fitting old school Bigsby and Bigsby-style vibrato systems to a whole host of guitar styles. Proudly made in the USA, Vibramate bring you products for fitting these systems to your existing, non-vibrato guitars without any additional drilling, including the V5-TEAS-1 for fitting in place of your American Telecaster bridge, the V5 Original for fitting to your Les Paul style guitar, and the V5 Short Tail for adding a Bigsby to guitars with large scratchplate like the Gibson SG.
Why Should I Choose Vibramate?
- Wide range of products
- Highly innovative solutions for old-school style vibrato systems
- Products to help you fit Bigsby and Bigsby style systems to almost any guitar
Frequently Asked Questions about Vibramate
Question: Who are Vibramate?
Vibramate are the producers of some of the finest after market old-school style vibrato systems and related accessories for a range of electric guitar styles.
Question: What do Vibramate produce?
Vibramate produce a range of accessories for fitting old-school, Bigsby-style vibrato systems to a range of guitars.
Question: Are Vibramate products any good?
Absolutely! Vibramate music products are all proudly made in the USA, delivering elegant and innovative solutions for your old-school style vibrato systems, all made from the very highest quality materials.