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Manufacturer's ID: EQDACA2
Since tone is in the hands, we decided to keep the controls of the Acapulco Gold as simple as possible. The footswitch turns the pedal on and off, and the giant knob controls the output volume. That's it. The rest is at your fingertips. Want less gain? Turn down your guitar's volume knob. Need a darker rhythm tone? Roll back your guitar's tone control. Easy, right?
With your guitar’s volume all the way up, the Acapulco Gold roars like a wide-open Model T on the verge of explosion. At just-barely-backed-off, the Gold becomes a raunchy overdrive. At minimum guitar volume settings, the Acapulco Gold delivers a hazy, Nashville-sounding spank to your tone.
How about this? If your guitar has separate volume and tone controls for each pickup and a three-way selector switch, this little one-knob banger becomes a three-channel tone monster at the flick of your wrist!
The Acapulco Gold is all-analog, true bypass, and built one-at-a-time by a wandering expedition of prospectors and speculators in dusty Akron, Ohio, USA – the hamburger capital of the world.
The Acapulco Gold uses silent, relay-based soft-touch switching. Audio will not pass without power.