Ernie Ball Giveaway: Win Ernie Ball Tim Henson Signature Strings and Accessories Bundle plus Tim Henson TOD10N Tree of Death Ibanez!
Published on 19 March 2025
If Polyphia’s G.O.A.T.ed guitarist Tim Henson is your guitar hero, then we’ve got a treat for you!
Ernie Ball have just released an exciting new range of Tim Henson’s signature accessories: strings, cables, fret wraps.
We are thrilled to announce that guitarguitar have teamed up with Ernie Ball to offer you - our amazing customers & Tim Henson fans - a fantastic opportunity to WIN this cool bundle!
But that’s not all. The prize also includes the best-selling Ibanez T0D10N Tree of Death guitar worth £549! The winner takes it all.
Ernie Ball Giveaway Prize:
So get yourself in to win! You can enter online from the comfort of your home or pop into one of our six stores for an extra chance to get your name on the draw.
Try your luck today and enter your details in the box provided below.
Keeping our fingers crossed!