Peter Hook Q&A at guitarguitar Birmingham

Published on 01 October 2024

2 Minute Read

*Disclaimer: This event has now past but check out some of the images we captured with details of what we got up to throughout the event

Peter Hook Q&A in Birmingham

The one and only Peter Hook hosted an exclusive Q&A at guitarguitar Birmingham!

Meeting Peter Hook

A true bass player hero, Peter Hook has carved a place for himself in the history of post-punk & rock music. His iconic, melodic bass riffs and chorus-drenched tones across both Joy Division and New Order’s genre-defining music has etched Hooky and his sound into the canon of all-time bass legends. Peter’s dedication to his craft has seen him form yet another successful group - Peter Hook & The Light - where he plays bass and sings lead vocals.

The Details

We were thrilled to have Peter make an appearance at guitarguitar again (courtesy of Yamaha) offering you - our amazing customers - a chance to pick his brain on all things bass & life on the road. Peter hosted the exclusive Q&A session at guitarguitar Birmingham.

Peter spoke about his career and recent project before opening the floor to the audience where some lucky attendants were able to ask their own questions and got a demo of some of his signature bass riffs!

Anna's photo

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Marketing and Social Media Assistant

PRS Pulse Artist. Obsessed with guitars, live shows & travels.

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