Fender Month! guitarguitar 20th Anniversary Celebrations

Published on 31 May 2024

4 minutes


It’s our 20th anniversary here at guitarguitar and we’ve been having a most wonderful time celebrating with you all! Since we plan on partying all the way through 2024, we’ve divided each month up and dedicated a special brand to each. May was our ‘Fender month’, and what a month it was! 

June marks the ‘guitarguitar’ month (it’s our official biiiirthday) but before we get there, I think it’s worth us having a little look back at the month that was, as we celebrated with Fender in a range of amazing ways. Grab your drink and follow me!


Painted Strats

Competitions and Deals

Justin Norvell Interview

Instore Action

49 Winchester

Loads of Blogs

Much More to Come!


Painted Strats

One of the most significant events came around as a result of public vote. You can check out the full story by clicking through to the guitarguitar 20th Anniversary Hall of Fame blog, but in brief terms, a poll went out to find the most influential guitar players of the last 20 years. After the results came in, five of those artists were chosen as subjects for some pretty special Fender Strats…

Each Strat has hand-painted with art that relates to that player’s life and career: John Frusciante’s Strat had octopus tentacles, for example, which reference his famous shoulder tattoo. The five artists - Frusciante, John Mayer, HER, Alex Turner and Sam Fender - were used as inspiration for five uniquely decorated Stratocasters. 

These Strats were unveiled at our Camden store first, before beginning a ‘UK tour’ which is ongoing as I type! 

Have you seen them yet? Why not plug one in and have a shot?


Competitions and Deals

Everyone loves a good competition, especially when there’s a great prize to be had! Surf Green Strat anyone? Well worth entering! There were entry forms at every store, so thanks to everybody up and down the country who entered!


We also had special deals on certain Fender models throughout the month, including this frankly scandalous price for a Player Strat! AND a gift card? Sacre bleu!


We had special prices on some amazing Acoustasonics too. We love these game-changing guitars. (If you’re quick, there may still be some special pricing on certain colours…)


Justin Norvell Interview

As it was also the Stratocaster’s 70th birthday, we reached out to Fender to chat about the Strat’s enduring greatness and influence. None other than Justin Norvell - Vice President of Products at Fender - answered the call, and jumped onto a Zoom with us for a highly enjoyable interview! We are not worthy!


Instore Action

Our staff were super vibed-up on Fender throughout May, as you can tell by this lovable/terrifying image from the depths of Glasgow’s Tontine Lane…


And it was Strats at dawn for our team in Edinburgh, who didn’t have the requisite lightsabers on hand to celebrate not only May 4th (Be With You) but a Straturday on the same day! That must be some sort of Jedi mind trick! Bonus points for getting Good Guy and Bad Guy colours for your ‘sabres’ there, chaps!


Our Newcastle team have impeccable taste in guitars, whether they are full-fat Fenders or a delicious pair of Squiers


49 Winchester

The amazing Americana-rockers 49 Winchester blessed us with an instore performance ahead of their Glasgow show only a few nights ago, and they blew the roof off the place!

Total pros and very cool guys, it was our pleasure to host them in our store. 

You’re welcome back any time, boys! Thanks to all who attended this, it was a blast.


Loads of Blogs

May was a good month if you were a Fender nerd. We put out blogs on all kinds of Fender subjects, including the best Jazz Bass players, the same for P-Bass players, Fender colours & finishes, a blog about the Blackguard Tele and a Fender Oddities blog, featuring some very cool and unusual guitars and basses from the past. What is a Fender Terry? Read the blog and all will be revealed!


Much More to Come!

That more or less sums up Fender month at guitarguitar, but we have looooots more in store for you in the coming months! Keep an eye on the website for news, or better still, sign up for our newsletters, and get the facts you need right in your inbox! Why miss out?

In the meantime, thank you for attending our special events, in addition to being the greatest customers any guitar store could ask for. Sincerely, thank you. We’ll see y’all soon!

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Features Editor

I'm a musician and artist originally from the South West coast of Scotland. I studied Visual Arts and Film Studies at...

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