ISP Pedals

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About ISP Pedals

ISP Pedals are cutting edge DSP-based pedals made in the USA. ISP Technologies provide cutting-edge, reliable guitar pedals that give artists the capability to push the boundaries of their sound. With over 30 years of experience in the market, ISP pedals provide players with some excellent pedals that can help define their sound.

Noise reduction is a major problem that musicians have been struggling with for decades. Pedals like the popular Decimator provide unprecented noise suppression and noise reduction processing. The Decimator pedal offers reliability, giving players peace of mind when it comes to ensuring consistent sound quality, and noise free playing.

ISP Pedals are cutting edge DSP-based pedals made in the USA. They are particularly well-known for their noise-gate pedals which includes the Decimator and the Micro Decimator. These innovative pedals use adaptive Time Vector Integration which tracks staccato and legato notes differently.

Why Should I Choose an ISP Pedal?

  • Incredible Noise Reduction
  • Reliable
  • Cutting-Edge Technology
  • Very Affordable

Frequently Asked Questions about ISP Pedals

Question: Are ISP pedals any good?
Yes. ISP Pedals are very good. ISP pedals utilise cutting-edge technology and decades of experience to provide high-quality pedals built to last.
Question: What pedals do ISP produce?
ISP produce a number of great pedals, they are particularly known for their Decimator series of Noise Reduction pedals.
Question: Which guitarists use an ISP pedal?
Famous guitarists like Brent Hinds, Misha Mansoor, Billy Sheehan and Devin Townsend have been known to use ISP pedals.
Question: How much power does a ISP decimator draw?
The ISP Decimator II has a power usage rating of 35mA.
Question: Is the ISP decimator a noise gate?
Yes. The ISP Decimator series of pedals function as noise gate pedals.