Gruv Gear Accessories

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About Gruv Gear Accessories

Gruv Gear Accessories bring you the working player a highly innovative and thought out range of products to make getting to the gig and performing a breeze. This eye on quality is what they've brought to their exciting range of accessories, including Fretwraps, their innovative Kaepo adjustable capo, a range of handsome, high quality guitar straps, pedal boards, and their fantastically robust range of gig bags and hard cases.

Why Should I Choose Gruv Gear Accessories?

  • Outstanding quality
  • Highly reliable
  • Range of innovative accessories and solutions

Frequently Asked Questions about Gruv Gear Accessories

Question: Are Gruv Gear accessories any good?
Yes they are! Gruv Gear have a long history of building gear storage and transport solutions aimed at the performing musician, and proudly carry over their quality reputation into their accessory range.
Question: What kind of accessories do Gruv Gear produce?
An array of well thought out and high performing products including Fretwraps, their innovative Kaepo adjustable capo, a range of handsome, high quality straps, pedal boards, and their fantastically robust gig bag and hardcase range.