Akai Professional
1-21 of 21 productsFilter

Akai Professional MPK Mini 3

Akai Professional MPK Mini Play MK3 MIDI Keyboard

Akai Professional MPK Mini Plus

Akai Professional MPK Mini 3 White

Akai Professional MPK Mini 3 Black

Akai Professional MPD218 Pad Controller

Akai Professional MPC Live II

Akai Professional LPK25 MK2 Laptop Performance Keyboard

Akai Professional EWI SOLO

Akai Professional Force Standalone Music Production System

Akai Professional MIDI Mix

Akai Professional LPD8 MK2 Laptop Pad Controller

Akai Professional MPX8 Pad Controller

Akai Professional MPK Mini Play MK3 MIDI Keyboard (Nearly New) #(21)E82406255591934

Akai Professional MPK MINI 3 Grey

Akai Professional APC Key 25 MKII

Akai Professional APC MINI MKII

Akai Professional APC64 Controller

Akai Professional MPC KEY37 Hardware Sampler

Akai Professional MPC ONE+

Akai Professional MPC X SE Standalone Music Production Centre
About Akai Professional
Akai Professional has been making quality audio equipment for decades. The company was founded in Japan, in 1984. Since then, they have made many great products, especially the legendary MPC line of music production systems. The MPC line started back in 1988, and has had a massive impact on modern music production since. It has become an essential tool for many producers, thanks to the intuitive workflow and sampling capabilities.
Akai are constantly refining the MPC range and offering different versions to suit all purposes. This includes portable models like MPC One, and beasts like MPC X designed to sit at the heart of your studio. Akai also make a huge range of MIDI keyboards and controllers for a variety of purposes. For example, the APC40 provides full hands-on control of Ableton Live software.